SCIE Today Privacy Policy (English) 中文版 Chinese Effective Date: 2023.9.4 Thank you for using our SCIE Today application (the "Application"). We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the ways in which we collect, use and share information, and your rights with respect to that information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices. 1. Information Collected 1.1 User ID: Our Application collects and stores your User ID so that you can log in and use the Application. The User ID is your unique identifier. 1.2 User Preferences and Settings Information: We may collect and store preferences and settings information associated with your User ID, such as the application's skin, language settings, and other personalized settings. This information helps us provide a better user experience. 1.3 Crash and Bug Reports: We may automatically collect crash and bug reports so that we can identify and resolve problems with the Application. These reports do not contain any personally identifiable information. 2. Usage Information 2.1 Provision of Services: We use the information we collect to provide the features and services of the Application. User IDs are used for authentication and personalization, and preference information is used to customize the user experience. 2.2 Improving the Application: We may use the information we collect to improve the performance, functionality, and user interface of the Application. 3. Sharing Information We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share user information with third parties except as described below: 3.1 Legal Requirements: We may share information in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, court orders, or governmental requests. We take reasonable security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Despite our efforts to protect your information, please note that there is no absolutely secure method of transmission over the Internet. 5. Privacy Choices You can choose whether or not to provide information based on your preferences. If you choose not to provide certain information, it may affect certain features of the application. All users will therefore be required to agree to our privacy policy before using the application. 6. Protection of children's information We are very concerned about children's privacy. Our Application is designed to serve users of all ages, but we do not knowingly collect or process personal information from children under the age of majority (as defined by law in your region) unless we have the express consent of their parents or legal guardians. The app does not store any information related to the age or privacy of children. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect legal requirements, business needs or our practices. We will inform you of these changes by posting the updated version in the Application or otherwise notifying you. 8. Contacting us If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data processing, or wish to exercise your right to privacy, please contact us at We are committed to protecting your personal information and will only collect, use and share information necessary to provide and improve our applications. By using our applications, you agree and accept the terms of this Privacy Policy.